All Paid Off
Today is a pretty momentous day. I paid off the last of my college student loans. Closing an ugly chapter in my life. Circa 2001 Loan-wise, I would have been OK if I stayed at the University of Wisconsin - River Falls were I went my freshman and sophomore year. The tuition was within my loan means; I was able to borrow the amount pretty easily. And I got a small stipend to play soccer there. I still had to have on-campus jobs for books and supplies, but it was financially manageable. But no! My dream was to work in New York City for Martha Stewart or Jane Pratt and I knew the little Wisconsin state school wasn't going to be a big help getting me there when my classmates were learning to write agriculture reports and about new farming techniques. So, I found the University of Rhode Island through an national exchange program and was able to pay Wisconsin tuition to attend my Junior year there. Well, I loved it and wanted to stay, so Senior year and the half year I had t...