
Showing posts from May, 2015

Time to Finish With Karou and Akiva

Have You Read It?  Back in 2011, one of my favorite authors released the first book of her new trilogy called Daughter of Smoke and Bone . Oh man, I was in love. Karou = kick ass girl with a squishy center. Akiva = conflicted, sensitive warrior. Beautifully-written and all-consuming. You don't read the books so much as tip yourself into the time/place of the plot and get completely lost. Now the third book, Dreams of Gods and Monsters , has been out for the last year. Of course I got it the week it released in hardback, because somethings I just won't wait for. And I dove in and read it like crazy until ... I got to the middle of the book ... and things started to tie together. And I thought... this is the last book I get with this story and these characters? Oh no. I put it down. I just wasn't ready to finish this series. Is it just me? I get way too invested in characters and stories. I should seek some kind of counseling/book club with those with a similar ...

My Trunk is Alive on Memorial Day

What am I up to today? A Trunk Full of Flowers - And Top Soil The Veggie Beds Are a Total Disaster Already Behind on Seed Planting -- Now, Where to Begin? Related posts: Other random weekend stories

Toothless Alice

It took some persistence to get the other tooth out, but she finally claimed it this morning. And now, look at that smile! New Smile And why do the two front teeth always fall out at the same time? Relate posts: More more and more Alice

The Wanderlust in My Inbox

If I could be doing anything right now -- this minute, money being limitless, I would be in a different country soaking up all it has to offer. With my family. Exploring. Writing. Walking. Eating. That's what I would do. And this blog would have a whole different flavor. But ... Anyway, a few months ago a friend pointed out this site, that's similar to AirBnB (which I would highly recommend) but with rental properties that cater to families with small kids ... and very large wallets. Each time I receive a Kid&Coe newsletter in my inbox I spend the better half of an hour clicking on the properties and imaging us all there. What would I have done this morning if we were staying in this apartment on Blvd Voltaire in Paris? Or the flat a few blocks from the Prado in Madrid. Is that kitchen big enough? Is there a market down the street? Sigh. Related posts: Other travel stories to prove my wanderlust

Green to Blue on the Entryway Wall

Because I'm me, I painted another wall in my house. This one is in the front hall. I painted it green not long ago, but decided this winter that I'd rather have it navy blue to continue the color throughout the main level of the house. This wall you'll see as your enter the house, so it will have big impact. BEFORE: The Green Wall AFTER: IT'S BLUE! I really need to figure out what furniture will sit in this spot. But, until I do, this little white bench will have to do. Related posts: Other Home Improvement adventures

Spring Stuff Makes Me Happy

Looking out my window this morning it's gray and rainy. BUT it's almost 60 degrees for the first time in weeks, so I'm trying to be optimistic. To that end, here's a list of things that are making me HAPPY right now: This Scarf(!): It's got these cute, printed bicycles and matches almost EVERYTHING in my closet. ... And what is it with me and bicycle prints right now? I also just ordered a new shower curtain for the girls' bathroom and it's all bikes, too! The Word Ephemeral : It's been in a few of the books I've read lately. I like to say it, read it, think about it as a concept. Why does this word make me happy? I just does. My Backyard:  And, more specifically, watching my girls play in the backyard. After months of looking at ugly browns and washed out grays, my backyard is starting to fill in with lush greens and even the weeds fill me with joy. And the little girls laughing on the swing-set they haven't used in months is jus...

A Little Lilacs Love!

Love to see lilacs in bloom! Lilac Hedge Near the School Bus Stop I will stealthily cut a few of these so I can have them on my kitchen table. 

Darn You Spring Weather!

Can we just talk about how bad this weather sucked this week? A 40 degree difference from Thursday -- when I held practice in 80 degree weather. And this weekend's tournament -- 40s with bitter wind and rain. It's a good thing I didn't tuck the winter coats away just yet. Oh you, fickle Spring weather. This is why we can't ever leave the house.

The After-School Plan

I have always desired to be home when the girls got off the bus after school. Preferably working through the day until that time, but home to greet them, start their homework and prep dinner before evening activities. It's not too crazy. Right? Well, Alice will be in first grade next year and therefore that goal to be home is starting to wiggle and churn in my brain. How? How? How? How can I make this possible? How do I swing it with my current position? Do I need to start a new job hunt? Do I even want to? Sometimes having too many options is overwhelming. Related posts: Let's talk about staying home

The Problems with Backyard

There are several issues with the backyard and now that it's warm enough to get outside I can't ignore them anymore. It's now about prioritizing the issues and finding someone to help me with them.  First, the area around the raised beds need to be tackled. Mostly, a weed guard needs to be laid down and wood chips need to be filled in on top. Currently it's a bit of a wreck. Also, we all need to keep our fingers crossed that the hydrangea will come back under the dining room windows. Then, there are the steps to the back door. The bricks fell apart over the winter starting with just a few. Now, it's just about the whole step. The adhesive only works at temps above 60 and dry. And we haven't had a warm enough weekend to even contemplate the project. As of this weekend, the weather is starting to feel spring-like. So, maybe soon we can start those repairs.  Alice Models the Broken Stairs - And First Day in Shorts! What a mess! Off to find...