The Wanderlust in My Inbox

If I could be doing anything right now -- this minute, money being limitless, I would be in a different country soaking up all it has to offer. With my family. Exploring. Writing. Walking. Eating.

That's what I would do.

And this blog would have a whole different flavor.

But ...

Anyway, a few months ago a friend pointed out this site, that's similar to AirBnB (which I would highly recommend) but with rental properties that cater to families with small kids ... and very large wallets. Each time I receive a Kid&Coe newsletter in my inbox I spend the better half of an hour clicking on the properties and imaging us all there.

What would I have done this morning if we were staying in this apartment on Blvd Voltaire in Paris? Or the flat a few blocks from the Prado in Madrid. Is that kitchen big enough? Is there a market down the street?


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