So Long, Hanukkah Part Two

And just as quickly it started (in New Jersey, on the night of Thanksgiving, no less), Hanukkah is over. 

Our eight nights were full of fun and squealing! And lighting many candles, of course. We missed one night because we were in a hotel room after spending the whole day driving home from New Jersey -- and I just didn't have the wherewithall to pull out the menorah. 

Speaking of menorah, we've replaced our old, wax-filled menorah with this lovely silver beauty given to us by David's mother. It belonged to her mother and sat in the dining room for years. Isn't it pretty?! And, the wax cleans off it much easier, so we're sure to hang on to this one for many Hanukkahs to come. I'm a sucker for traditions. 

Here's some photos of the last two nights:

Leah Lighting the Candles - in an
Eli Manning Jersey, No Less
Alice Lighting in a Top She Calls her Genie Shirt
David Constructing the Cardboard Pirate Ship
The Last BIG Gift? A Pirate Ship, Obviously! Notice
the Scurvy Crew Already Aboard

Who's Ready for Fresh Lasagna Noodles!? 

Next year I'll do a better job of counting out the days/gifts -- I had "unequal" number of gifts and those sharp girls notices. Grr, who is teaching them to count, anyway!?


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