Today's Project: Elsa's Train

Last weekend we took the kids to see "Frozen" and we all loved it. The timing worked out pretty well because it was still Hanukkah, so we got to give Alice some "Frozen" gifts, including this adorable Elsa dress. Sure, the Disney store has fancier Elsa dresses, but sheesh you gotta shell out the big bucks. These little pj-like dresses are much easier on the wallet and pretty, too.

The Lovely Dress ... and Girl
But, hello, Princess Elsa had a long train in the movie. Where's the train? Alice pointed this out immediately. 

A trip to the fabric store with the dress to match the color, and we had ourselves a dress with train. Done! 
My Fancy Princess Elsa
I used Velcro so the train could be removed for washing and running outside. 


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