Springsteen Fans in Training

My first concert was Cyndi Lauper when I was 13ish. My uncle took my older sister and I and I remember finding the whole thing overwhelming but fun. It wasn't until I met David did I start attending concerts often. In our 20s, concert-going was our main expense after food/shelter and we saw a LOT of amazing shows.

He took me to my first Bruce show in 1999 at the Meadowlands in New Jersey. It felt like a religious experience. The showmanship! The talent! The excitement! Being in a stadium with the lights up for Born to Run and the whole crowd singing a long. I was hooked.

Bruce is doing a concert to commemorate The River, a double LP he put out in 1980 and a big turning point in his career -- and we immediately knew the girls had to get tickets, too. It was time for them to come along. (Who knows how many more tours Bruce has in him!?)

We got tickets, I ordered Snug ear protection for their little ears, and ignored the fact that the show, in Milwaukee, was on a school night. It's rock n' roll!

I want to say they danced and sang their way through The River set and the crowd-pleasers that followed, but I can't. They got tuckered out by the 5th song and eventually burrowed under winter coats to nap their way through a majority of the show.

I know ... napping at a concert!?! Though, I admit that I've done it once through the extremely LONG jamming sessions at an Allman Brothers show. (Songs should not go longer than 15 minutes.) But that's besides the point.

Overall, they had a great time and really took in the experience. Alice played air drums and watched the stage in awe. Leah danced and giggled when Bruce crowd-surfed. (Crowd-surfed!!!) And they got up and went to school this morning with very little complaining.

That's very rock n' roll!

Practicing "Bruuuuuuuuuuce" Chants Pre-Show

Our Seats Were Behind the Stage. Bruce Doing His Thing With the Fans
Snoozing Girls ... Leah woke up for Born to Run Toward the End of the Show

PS. I did realize this was the first time Dave and I didn't sit next to each other at a Bruce show ... though the addition of these two eager faces was well worth it.

Related Post: Bruce and ME


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