Packing for Copenhagen
The gauntlet has been thrown. We've got seven days in Copenhagen coming up, just David and I and, in an off-handed remark, he challenged me to "pack light" for our trip. The airlines lost our luggage on the way to Athens this summer and, though we're staying put so not a huge deal, it would be annoying to have to wait for the airline to deliver a lost item ... so "pack in a carry-on size, you're not an overpacker," was what he suggested. I'm not an over-packer, actually. I'm generally pretty good. But it's WINTER in Scandinavia, so that adds a lot of bulk. And I like fresh tops, while re-wearing jeans, and a second pair of shoes. So how will I manage to keep a coat, hat, mittens a scarf, extra shoes, etc. in a carry-on? But the challenge is out there, no matter how casual it was phrased. And I do love a challenge. Here's my strategy ... first, I need to figure out what European airlines consider "carry-on" size, since it...