Packing for Copenhagen

The gauntlet has been thrown. 

We've got seven days in Copenhagen coming up, just David and I and, in an off-handed remark, he challenged me to "pack light" for our trip. The airlines lost our luggage on the way to Athens this summer and, though we're staying put so not a huge deal, it would be annoying to have to wait for the airline to deliver a lost item ... so "pack in a carry-on size, you're not an overpacker," was what he suggested. 

I'm not an over-packer, actually. I'm generally pretty good. But it's WINTER in Scandinavia, so that adds a lot of bulk. And I like fresh tops, while re-wearing jeans, and a second pair of shoes. So how will I manage to keep a coat, hat, mittens a scarf, extra shoes, etc. in a carry-on?  

But the challenge is out there, no matter how casual it was phrased. And I do love a challenge. 

Here's my strategy ... first, I need to figure out what European airlines consider "carry-on" size, since it's different from the US regulations. The average: 21.5"x15.5"x10" so I'm combing through our luggage collection to find the piece we have that's as close to that as possible. 

Second, everything goes in a packing cube and compressed down. Bulky sweaters and underlayers can be pressed pretty small, I think. And my second pair of shoes can also hold all my socks or similar. Winter gear is also compressable. Also, everything will be reworn twice or more. 

Third, my toiletry bag will be minimal; only the basics. The hotel will provide the shampoo and condition. Probably lotion, too. Just need travel-size versions of my face soaps, lotion & oils. Plus my razor and toothbrush. I even have a tiny hair brush.

Finally, I'm packing my collapsible tote bag. Because I WILL be shopping for holiday gifts and I'll need somewhere to put them. And the challenge doesn't include packing light for the journey home. :) 

Related Posts: 

I love packing and strategy, so you can see all my past Packing posts here. It includes THIS POST where I talk about my Packing in Phases approach. 


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