Packing for Paris - Phase 1 & 2

In full packing mode this week for myself and the girls. I approach packing for a long trip in phases, starting weeks early. Phase 1 is Research: mentally planning, making several lists and shopping.

Phase 2 includes the following steps:

1 - Shopping. DONE. Each gal got a new outfit and new walking shoes.

2 - Laundry. There are never enough clean undies available. Even on a normal week.

3 - Pick Clothes. I rummage through the clean laundry and drawers and pull out my favorite outfits, just in case they decide to wear them to school this week. I do the same for myself.
3.a - Remind myself I will be shopping in Paris, so no need for an outfit each day. I will no doubt end up buying them clothes there, which I'll let them wear right away. 

4 - Stack Clothes. Once found, I'll start piling the outfits in a dedicated area, so I can start evaluating luggage sizes. I add/subtract clothes based on the ability to wear with other things, layering, and more-accurate weather information. This takes a few days.

Surely, I'm not the only person this manic about packing, right?

Phase 3 is the actual in-to-luggage packing, which I like to complete a few days in advance so I can do some last minute additions/subtractions. This phase also includes the carry-on (which I last wrote about here) and the toiletry bag.

Related posts:
More of my packing attacks


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