Improving My Tortilla Game

I'm not the world's biggest fan of Nigella Lawson, but I do have one of her cookbooks (this one) and a few weeks ago I was flipping through it and noticed she had a Spanish omelet recipe.

Yum Spanish Omelets! 
Now, as a little Spanish girl, I've been making Spanish omelets since forever. I watched my Mom and Dad both make tons of them, several different ways. And when I was last visiting relatives in Spain, I watched my godmother Rosie make one, too. And I love making them for my family and pestering my kids to eat them. (At first, they didn't like them, but they're growing on them. How eggs and potatoes are an "acquired taste" is beyond me, but...)

Back to Nigella. She had a few differences in her omelet recipe, such as adding cheese to the eggs, not separating the eggs out for fluffiness and finishing under the broiler instead of flipping it on a plate. She also prefers boiling the potatoes as opposed to frying them -- which has been my preference lately, too.

So I gave it a try and WHOA she totally changed my Tortilla game! Seriously. My omelets, which were pretty good before, now rock! Thanks, Nigella!

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