So Long September

September is my least favorite month of the year.

Oh, wait. Second least favorite -- my loathing of February runs deep and true. But September always feels crazy, unorganized and rushed.

For everyone this is a month of transitions, from summer to fall. And into the school season. But it takes weeks for us to settle into a routine and that always makes for stressful situations for all of us.

And the weather yo-yos between hot and chilly. I never get the right clothes into place, so we're walking out the door in a mishmash of sweaters and summer sandals. This year, a majority of Leah's sweaters have magically disappeared. And I've not had the time to check in all my usual spots.

Plus, through in travel. We always seem to be going somewhere in September. Europe, this year. And this kicks off Dave's busy travel schedule. And his annual guys' sports weekend.

Then there are all the birthdays, including Alice's and the party I pull together. That eats up time when I could be looking for those darn sweaters! (And where did the pencil sharpener go?!)

Lastly, there's always that look back to our summer and all the things (yay!) we did and didn't do (boo!).

So, it's with little regret that I wave goodbye to September and HELLO to lovely October. As the 10th (my lucky number) month, you're more then welcome.


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