Dispatches From Paris

Goals Accomplished:

Eat a crêpe. We actually ate two. This one was near the Pompidou in the Marais. It's filled with pomme = apples.  Later, we found out our hotel neighborhood, Montparnesse, is known for crepes and we got savory crepes filled with ham, cheese and veggies for dinner one night. Yummy!

It's Like Apple Pie!
Eat a Macaron. We walked out of our way to get a macaron from Ladurée, which we were told had the best. And, yes, they were pretty sensational.

Try That!
See Van Gogh. Leah did a school art project about Van Gogh and since is a big fan. She flipped out when she spotted this painting at the Orsay. 

A Fan of Vincent's Bedroom

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We love traveling with our kids


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