Where I Get My Art

My sister-in-law texted me recently about where I get the art on my walls. I have a LOT of art on my walls. And I replied with about 20 text bubbles of all the places I get framed art, or get art framed, and thought -- I should share this info here too. It's always interesting to hear where people shop for this stuff. 

First you should know I will frame or hang ANYTHING. I have a special toy the girls loved hanging on my living room wall and look at it fondly all the time. And a plate with a dragonfly on it, too.

We have collected concert posters from concerts we've gone to for decades. They're usually a unique and inexpensive souvenir from a great show or tour. And we'll frame them at Micheal's, when we get a good coupon. There are also a lot of travel posters we'll pick up shopping on our travels. I have a great print we got in Venice. 

I recently tried out the Keepsake app to print and frame two photos from Greece and it was magical - quick and good quality. Good price point, too. 

Etsy, if I know what I'm looking for. Either theme or just aesthetic. There's a lot there so I ALWAYS filter for US shops ONLY. 

A lot of people save money by buying the digital print and sending it to Staples/Office Max for printing -- but I haven't figured that out yet, I'm embarrassed to admit. 

Juniper Print Shop had some good LARGE prints at great prices. Art.com is also useful if you're looking for a famous print by a specific painter or photographer. 

Social Prints is where I get the large Instagram grid posters I have framed in our foyer. Also good price and great quality. 

I've thrifted some great prints from Goodwill but not in a long time. I have a fun, framed illustration of the Louvre from the 18th century. 

My favorite photos are of my family, and especially my girls. And getting to see their little faces smiling in candid and staged photos are my favorite. There could never be enough framed stuff hanging in my house. 


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