The Sad Entry Way ... Months Ago |
What are your thoughts on wallpaper?
I'm thinking about my entryway again because I recently imposed a deadline of end of April to come up with my master plan -- and the ideas are starting to flow in.
And when I think about the big "POW! Huge Impact!" statement I want to make the minute you walk into our house, you can't get bigger impact than a massively COOL wallpaper. And, as I'm shopping around, it's about the same cost as a bucket of paint. (Unless, I get some amazingly fab hand-drawn design (not likely) -- that stuff is crazy PRICEY!)
I'll try to stick to the navy, green and/or yellow color scheme I've been working with. And I'm a fan of the geometric patterns or organic patterns. I'm also considering using the wallpaper in a section of the wall -- because, remember, this entryway has walls that are 2-stories high. So with some clever use of moldings to break up the massive area, I can pick and choose where this WOW factor gets used.
Here are some early favorites:
Semi-Circles in Navy |
Honeycomb! Kinda Cool Idea |
Nice and Dark Navy |
Chevron - Of Course! |
A City! That's Pretty Cool, Too! |
I may have to order some samples and start comparing. This is going to be a tough decision. Then, of course, I have to sell the idea to the other residents of my house.
I like the city!