I Hit Halfway Mark on My Diet

I'm starting week 6 this week, meaning I'm half-way through this little weight-loss experiment. So far I've learned:

A View of My Cutting Board
- I can live without chocolate. Seriously. I swipe some ice cream from the kids, sometimes, but I'm pretty ok without it. French women don't eat chocolate unless it's very high quality, and then they savor a small amount. Be snooty about your food.

- I cannot live without bread. I tried. The first two weeks I was limited to two servings and I nearly DIED (not really). I. need. my. bread. Since, I've let it sneak in a little too liberally, from Wasa crackers to a piece of toast topped with avocado and tomatoes. So, my goal is to find a happy balance. I mean, my splurge was croutons, people. That's crazytown.

- I'm a big dork when I try complicated exercise moves -- and that's OK. I found a spot in my basement, in front of the TV, where I can see my reflection in a window. It's good, because I can keep track of my form. (Are my hands high enough?) But there are some moves I look ridiculous. But, being uncoordinated is old news. And I usually don't have an audience. So, I've decided to take that as the entertainment portion of the challenge. I'm silly.

Our Menu - A Few Weeks Ago
- All I need to eat healthy is in my house! My cookbooks, my pantry, my Pinterest account and various other websites -- there's nothing I need to loss weight that isn't in my house. Here's the thing: if I don't buy chocolate chips, THEY ARE NOT IN THE HOUSE! Easy as that.

- I like my weekly menu plans. It's something I did a few years ago and loved. Then our schedule got nuts and I dropped the practice. But with counting calories, you need to preplan. Improvising leads to very bad decisions in the name of QUICK and EASY. So on Saturdays, while the girls are in swim class and I'm sweating on the bleachers, I draw out the schedule while consulting cookbooks and recipes I've torn from magazines. Once set, I create the grocery list. This makes for a scavenger hunt at the grocery store, but there's less waste and "maybe we'll eat that this week" uncertainty. AND, I'm adding more recipes to my repertoire. Which is good for everyone.

So, it's been an interesting 5 weeks of getting used to the schedule, the concept of "calorie counting" and getting in the daily work-outs, around everyone else's needs (mom guilt, you understand). But the online support group and continued success is propelling me on. Second half, here I come!

Related posts:
Read all the kitchen posts
Learn more about my menu planning


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