A Nonfiction Break - Exploring the Podcasts
Lately I've been feeling a little in the clouds. And I realized it might because I'm starved to learn something new. Is it a summer thing? Maybe because I've been reading too much fiction. Or spending too much time on news events. Election years can be so draining. I've been thinking about spending a bit more time in nonfiction land, so starting today I'm taking a break from the audiobooks I usually enjoy on my commutes to and from the office and listening to some informative podcasts. Once I started to dig into all the podcasts available, I was astounded by the amount out there. Hundreds! I thought podcasting was going the way of the dodo but, not so! Alive and well! Here's what I pulled: Young House Love has a Podcast - Decorating and house stuff. Stuff You Missed in History Class - Deep dive into people and events. TED Radio Hour - We all know TED talks. The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe - The Dirty Jobs guys has the best voice. Anna Fa...