Back to School Wig Out

I KNOW it's only the end of July, but school starts here in one month, people, ONE MONTH.


A Page From My Notebook: Holy Crap
So, I'm starting to freak out a little at all the tasks that accompany this time of year. Wondering if I can get a jump on school supply shopping. And starting to wrap my head around all the decisions I'll need to make in the next four weeks.

For example, what is Leah doing after school this year? Babysitter? Can she manage alone? Send her to after-care?

When is Leah's soccer practices starting up again? Does Alice want to play soccer? When will we get the park district catalog of activities for this fall? Will there be a Saturday dance class for Alice?

And, inevitably, I get to the question: How will we manage it all on top of Dave's work schedule? And finally, should I find a new part time job or stay at home to make this all work?

The downward spiral continues.

Deep breath ... the good news is there's one more month of summer left to enjoy!!

FYI: Here is last year's rant about back to school.


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