So This is the New Year

It's been a while since I've posted which is unusual for me so here's the catch-up on a few things.

San Diego Convention Center
I just spent last weekend in San Diego for the cabi convention. I recently became a stylist selling cabi at home shows and I'm not going to talk about it much on this blog but ... just know I'm testing the theory of stepping far out of your comfort zone to make a real big change in your life. We'll just see how it goes.

The basement is complete as I've posted before except for a rather longish task list that includes painting the second coat in the bathroom, trim painting and touch up, and tackling the finish on the pine cabinets. But, as I'm told is common, I'm burnt out on these home projects. Especially over winter break when the girls were home. So burnt out. But I may be feeling the itch to get my paintbrush out soon and get this list done.

The stay at home experiment has been rather eye-opening and interesting but soon, not today, I need to hunker down and consider my next full-time job and start the hunt. I enjoy being home but not financially contributing to my family is a real downer.

Lastly, I keep up with news from my Twitter feed (I follow NPR, NYT etc.) and it's impossible not to be nervous about the next four years. Deep breath. Let's just all keep informed, keep positive and look out for each other.

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It's a Rebuilding Year
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