This Week I'm a Yoga Teacher

This week, I'm a yoga teacher.

Which is bananas because I've never taught yoga, nor am I certified to do so. But my sister is coaching soccer at a nearby summer camp and needed to occupy the kids for a few hours this week.

And I've been taking yoga for 20+ years, soooo I'm "mostly" qualified.

The cool thing is, teaching yoga has been on my goals list for years. But getting certified is pricey and a huge time commitment. And never being in front of a class before, it's hard to know if it's worth the effort. This was a good experience to help me decide if this is something to look into as my next possible career.

But this week just reminds me of my current mantra: That's just who I am this week, folks. A summer camp yoga teacher.

Who know, next week, I could be an art dealer!

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My deep thoughts about yoga
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