One Month to Go! - Paris Friday Update

Happy Thanksgiving, folks! We're ONE MONTH and a few days away from the big move! Holy Turkeys! Today, I'm out walking off the vast quanitities of food I ate on Thursday (and hopefully avoiding malls and shops, but who knows, it's New Jersey!) but I'll be thinking about the list of what I need to do to get my ducks in a row for the next month. Here are some upcoming milestones: Dec. 1 - Dave goes on an apartment search. And it will be very much like House Hunters, as we only have a finite amount of places to look at available now, in our target neighorhood that meet our criteria. Dec. 12 - Packing Day! With any luck, we'll be successful with the apartment hunt and we'll know what the heck we need to take with us (furniture-wise, mostly). We'll have about two weeks to strategize and pile up those items so the movers can take them away on this day. Hanukkah and Christmas are thrown in here. Very inconvient. Think we can get these hol...