Podcasts and Doctors - Paris Friday Update

Paris-Themed Podcasts
To get in the spirit, I've been listening to Paris-centric podcasts while doing work or sorting our crap. It's been fun listening to other expats talk about their experience in Paris, hear topics of interest and some news, too. Here they are:

The Earful Tower -- The host, Oliver G, is a bit strange and charming. He's clearly entertained and also puzzled by the Parisians, so it's an interesting approach. Each episode tackles some aspect of Parisian life and most include interviews. He just interviewed a Brit who has been an expat for over 50 years and his perspective was fascinating. And at the end of each episode, there's a little story about Paris's colorful history. 

The New Paris -- This one is sort of based on the book the host, Lindsey Tramuta, wrote a few months ago. It's about the newer trends and businesses that are growing in Paris. Such as quality coffee, small businesses (which are challenging because of French tax laws) and the nonexistence of big breakfasts. She, with her Aussie cohost Alice, tackle these topics and others, usually by interviewing friends or experts on the forefront of the trends. Very interesting and relevant. 

Paname  -- Amanda, the host, has a beautiful voice and tells usually dark stories from Paris history. I've just started to listen to this one and, though she speaks rather fast, the topics are generally gripping. I think I'll really get into the history of the city while we're there, it's so vast. And bloody!

And then some days I listen to Change ma vie: outils pour l'esprit. I have almost no idea what Clotilde (of this charming dual-language cooking blog) is saying, but it's useful to listen to the way French is spoken in that sing-song and lilting way. Maybe someday I'll actually understand it!

Captured at Dance Class
Doctors and Checkups
As part of this move, we've been checking in with doctors of all kinds, just to ensure we're all in tip-top shape before the move. Vaccines, annuals, etc. Not that we won't have health care while in Paris, it just seemed easier to see our primary doctors, who have access to all our records, here. And with no potentially awkward language barrier.

Funny story, an ex-expat friend told us the English pediatrician most of the American expats use while in Paris is super good-looking. They call him Dr. McDreamy or something cute like that. So, if the girls get a cough ... visiting him won't be too bad.

Dream Apartment
Want to see the Paris apartment we all dream about when we think about living in Paris? Check this place out! It's a little outside our ideal neighborhood, but ... come on!! It's every movie set in Paris.

Related posts: 
The Paris Move
Past Paris Friday Updates


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