School News and Packing Date - Paris Friday Update

Alice's School Building - Pink! 
Super School News
We found out this week that we GOT ACCEPTED into the school of our choice. Yippee!! It feels a lot like getting into college all over again.

I'm so excited for the girls. Of the three schools we visited, this one really felt the most supportive and the place where they would shine. More paperwork is needed, of course, but we now have a January 9 start date. Such a load off my mind.

This also confirms our ideal apartment location is the 16th. It's what we assumed, but now we know. We want to be walking distance from the school (hoping to skip using the Metro) and close to the highway entrance for Dave -- so that really cuts down our ideal location to a small neighborhood. The next step here is to go on a second apartment hunt, which is planned for the start of December. Fingers crossed.

A Packing Date Set
A few weeks ago, as mentioned, we did the home survey. They estimated one day (one!) to load up all the things we're bringing by sea and by air. So we picked the day of Dec. 12, which gives ample time, we think, for it to all arrive in Paris by the end of January. Total guess because the estimate given was 3 to 8 weeks! We're not packing the entire house, as our apartment will be much smaller, so we'll be fine using what's been left behind for the few weeks before we depart.

Speaking of, it's been a little confounding making a packing list because we don't know what the apartment looks like or includes (furnished). Assuming our next apartment hunt is successful, we'll have about a week to strategize furniture planning and finalize what's coming along. Timing has always been a little frustrating through this whole process. But we'll get there.

Related posts: 
The Paris Move
Past Paris Friday Updates


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