Our RV Adventure Begins

In the world of COVID-19 and isolation we made a family decision: We still want to go on a summer vacation. 

We are desperate to get out of the house. We need a break from work -- both our jobs have been super busy. We love travel. We just need a vacation.

BUT we had to be thoughtful and careful. No unnecessary risks or no additional chances of exposure to the virus. So .... No airplanes. No hotels. No reliance on restaurants. No crowded spaces.

It didn't leave much. 

I'll spare you the discussion and research and just tell you ... we rented an RV and traveled to Colorado by way of Mount Rushmore. 

Main stops along the way were gas stations and grocery stores -- so no different than the public places we're going to now. We booked RV campgrounds and planned to enjoy the outdoors, away from indoor spaces and crowds. 

And we didn't post a lot of photos on social media, just to respect the decision of those who are staying home and safe. And not let anyone think we don't take this virus seriously, which we really do. In every public space we walked into, we were wearing face masks. 

And it was such an adventure.  


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