Shiplap in the Guest Room

 It's been a few months since I updated you on the guestroom refresh project ... and with good reason. The shiplap I wanted to finish out the "feature wall" and be the solution to the bed's headboard was out of stock at my local Home Depot. 

In fact, it was out of stock at most Home Depots near me except for the one in Wisconsin. And this Fall, the COVID virus was on a major spike in that state, so I was avoiding going there. Mostly because I had a few doctor appointments and the first thing they ask you is if you'd left the state and wasn't willing to forgo my mammogram just for building supplies. 2020, y'all! 

Anyway, last week after waiting two month I just decide to make the drive, since Illinois was also spiking new cases and, well, I have no where to go for the next two weeks anyway. 

Here's the progression. Starting with the blank wall and moving all the way up to the caulking/wood filler step: 

It was late Sunday night when I push the room back together because David's been using it as his office space now. (We've all been moving around with our office spaces, it's like music rooms.) 

So, next weekend, I'll have to sand the last round of wood filler -- that's the orange seams you can still see -- and add a coat of crisp white (maybe cream?) paint to finish it all off. YAY! 

I'd also like to point out this took just a few hours and I was roasting a turkey for a small Friendsgiving gathering we hosted that night. *subtle brag* 

I'll also mention that next time I shiplap I'm going to add a miter saw to my stable of toy tools. I really think seams where to two pieces of wood came together would have been MUCH CLEANER if I was able to get a straight cut. I have a circular saw (which needs a new blade, btw) and it's not great at getting a straight cut. 

Stay tuned for the FINISHED photos and some before and after comparisons next weekend. 


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