Packing Up the House

This is the hard part. Sure, we're not actually doing the packing, thanks to the movers, but this feels stressful. It feels like carrying a 100 lb weight on my back. Seeing all our belongings and questioning 10 times an hour if this was the right decision. And how will we ever be so comfortable again!? 

Having done this before ... seven times ... we know that it will all be worth it. Change is always good. Being uncomfortable is a place of growth. And there are brighter days ahead. 

Speaking of GROWTH ... I took some photos of the girls by the wall we measured them by for the last night years.  
Point to how tall you were when we first moved in ... 
And the Sticker Door! On all our adventures, we'd collect stickers to put on the sticker door. "That's a great Hawaii sticker, we'll put it on the door!" We pulled off anything within reach and could come off easily. Hope the new owners are planning to get a new door ... or enjoys funny stickers. 
Last but not least, I meant to erase this Brooklyn 99 quote from the blackboard I painted above the closet doors. I wrote a lot of quotes to inspire my family as they went about their day. Or make us laugh, like this one. 
Such a good house. Wishing the next owners love it as much as we did. 



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