Holding Pattern

 I don't mean to whine. 

We really feel lucky we have friends who have a vacation home, weren't planning to use it, and would give us the keys. So we could leave Illinois and be closer to where we want to live; with the ability to look at homes on weekends, etc. It's a very comfortable house and we're very comfortable in it. 

But here's the thing about me: I'm a nester and a planner. 

That's how I'm built, and no matter how comfortable I am here, I can't really do either. And that's what's making me restless and this transition time painful.

I love DIY and home decorating. Duh. This blog is basically cataloging my home improvement projects and decorating ideas.

My Pinterest feed is mostly home decorating posts. And my Instagram feed is a lot of home renovators working on basements, closets and a really cool kitchen project. It stinks watching these projects when I can't imagine them working my space. Because ... I don't have a space! 

Same with planning. I love planning travel and weekend trips, and exploring new areas. And the big idea with this move is have more adventures close to home -- with family and friends, even. But, being in this likely 2-month holding pattern is pausing all my planning. 

Though, thanks to COVID, we've been on a 12+ month life pause, so this is just making me more crazy. 

So, there you have it. I don't love this transition and all the stress, frustration and panic that is coming with it. It's not the beautiful cabin or the lovely vacation area we're staying in. It's me not getting to be my true ME. 

It's me seeing houses each weekend, decorating and arranging furniture in my head, then losing out on the bid and starting over. Again and again. For weeks now. 

Me ignoring my Instagram and Pinterest accounts who are sharing all this great inspiration and knowledge and not being able to follow it. Or even imagine it. 

Blah. I keep giving myself pep talks that in a few months, I'll look back at this time and smile. And see it for the strange pause it was. But, for now, I'm just taking this all day by day. 


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