School Countdown is On

Like most kids, our girls were in virtual school all last year thanks to the pandemic. I could go on and on about how frustrating that was. How unfair to Leah who had her Freshman year experience yanked away from her -- as almost all kids did. And how they suffered social set backs, education set backs and so much more. Sure, we all spent lots of time together, but these chickens really need to fly the coop, a least once in a while. 

Though, to be fair, a pandemic will disrupt a lot of things. And most of the world population was suffering in some way. So, our year wasn't unique at all. And probably easier than many many others. 

OK ... 

But we're now a few days from starting to school here and we're all READY. New school, new people ... and we're ALL excited. Leah can't wait to "socialize with people NOT in my family" and Alice is looking forward to meeting new friends. READY. 

We did orientations last week and got schedules. Toured the schools. Got bus times. And went school supply shopping. 

And I find that I'm so uniquely optimistic about this year. Not only just easing into a more "normal," but also the potential the girls have to experience so much good and fun things. 

The schools seem even more committed to getting kids to interact with each other (safely) and socialize. There are dancing, games, clubs and all that programming that will be such a welcome change from doing almost nothing all day. 

Our days will change from all being home ALL day, to being away for most of the day. Waking up early. Preparing lunches. Homework. Projects. Extra-curricular activities. I'll have to re-initiate the Mom Taxi to get the girls where they need to go. And I'm not dreading it. This has been a long enough break -- longer than the usual summer off.

I'm also embracing the big change to our days to start new routines, myself. I found an exercise class I'm excited about. I'm getting back into meal planning. I'll have a reason to take a daily walk (bus stop). More than January, September always feels like a good time to make some new resolutions. It feels more like a New Year than January 1 ever will. 

Bring on the school year! 

PS. I just love all the honeycomb at Leah's new high school. Awesome.



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