The Basement is Mine Again

The corner of the basement that was hit by all that water is really making progress. The builders were here for the last month, replacing walls and building back the bathroom. And (hooray!) they finished up yesterday. Which means this space is MINE again to work on. I've been dying to get my hands on it and get it ready for our Christmas visitors. 

I look some progress shots ... 

And this is where I step in. They removed all the chair molding around the entire basement while they were at it, and I'm so excited to see it painted one color. 

I ordered new scones to replace the ones on the wall (see them on the right?) and should get them Sunday. 

The sofa is uncertain. I checked in on it last month and they said it was coming, but nothing yet. 

But, this week I'm on a tight deadline to paint the floor and walls. 

Here I go .... 

Basement Posts


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