Social Media: You're Doing It Wrong

 As someone who makes a living creating social media content I have a lot to say about this subject. But mainly most people are DOING SOCIAL MEDIA WRONG. 

Don't get mad at me. We didn't have any of this 10 years ago and we're all not on the same page about how to use it. We've been experimenting. But, yes, there's a right way to do it. And most people do it WRONG. 

At its core, social media apps (Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, TikTok, etc.) are for CONNECTION. And to sell things and gobble up your time. But, at it's best, they are a means to be inspired and connect to people with similar interests or ideas. And even keep up with family and friends. YAY! 

But, if you're taking hours to scroll through your feed. If you're not interacting with any posts. If they make you jealous, uncomfortable or angry. All red flags. YOU * ARE * DOING * IT * WRONG. 

Curate your feed! Follow only those that ADD to your day, not subtract. Look for influencers and content creators that you'd be chummy with IRL. And take a minute to DIVERSIFY your feed, too. Don't just look at what white men/women are doing. There's a big world out there. 

I followed this DIY guy for years and at first, this projects were small and aspirational. Like tiling. And building shelves. Then ... he's building FRIGGIN additions to his house?! The content was getting way too advance for me, so it's an Unfollow. I promise he didn't even notice. 

And keep it tight. If it takes you hours to watch all your updates, you're following too many people. Unfollow. Or mute! I have plenty of accounts I just follow their Posts and I've muted their Stories. I just prefer that content source from them. I also have two accounts I moved to their weekly email -- and if there's something interesting in there, I'll follow the link to their post. 

Be ruthless about your time and how much you're willing to give to it. (And what you're getting out of it.)

Interaction is KEY. If you're not hitting "like" or sending a comment "love that wall color!" or asking questions, or even saving posts for future use (for me it's recipes, diy tips or spots in London I want to check out) -- what are you even following that account for?? 

Influencers don't get much value out of your quick scroll post. Engagement is the KPI for them, so if you like an account, get involved or just hit "like" for good content. If not, unfollow because, again, if you don't like the content, why * are * you * looking * at * it?! 

There's also science to back up the importance of connection. Passive scrollers feel more envy, isolation and frustration while active scrollers felt more inspiration and less loneliness (here's a link to that study). 

Stop following negative people. This should go without saying but if an account, news or otherwise, makes you feel frustrated or negative, like the world if falling, it doesn't deserve your time. Reading a attention-seeking headline and never clicking into the actual news story doesn't make you a current events expert, it never will. 

The last thing I'll say is stop looking at social media the first thing in the morning or the last thing before you go to bed. There are tons of studies about blue light, image retention, and what all those blinky lights do to your mind when it should be getting ready to rest, or even starting the day. If you feel like you'll "miss out," that's a red flag to follow less accounts. 

And be aware! If clicking on that app is feeling like an addiction, make some hard changes. Don't ignore real-life people to look at social media and don't use it to self-sooth when you're angry or feeling uncomfortable. That was also in the study -- when you're scrolling just from the serotonin hit. Look with intention to interact. 

Remember, social media is a connection/inspiration tool. But content creators want you to follow and give them engagement numbers no matter the cost. It's ultimately up to you to regulate how you use it. Are you doing it wrong? 

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for more ... haha, just kidding. ;)  


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