Mission: Kids Bathroom


This is the bathroom right next to Leah's room and it is for the kids. It also serves as the bathroom for overnight guests. I picked an "under the sea" theme, after finding this cute Target shower curtain. It has a matching fish rug, too.

I wanted a bright green because it's the third, accent color in both girls' bedrooms. I picked this pear color because it also matches the octopuses on the shower curtain. Adorable!

The walls are still primer white, instead of that sandy beige we've got in all the other rooms. So, I only needed one coat. I also tested the Valsper paint at Lowes, which seemed thicker than the stuff I used in my bathroom. Overall, I'm pretty satisfied with how this turned out.

For the finishing touches, I had the girls paint four small canvases to hang above the toilet. They turned out cute. So I'll hang those and some hooks for towels. And last, switch out the shower head with a detachable one, so I can lower it to shower those small girls.


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