It All Makes Sense in the Family Room

About two weeks ago I decided I had had it with the traditional rug in our family room.
The Carpet
It's a quality piece of carpet, antique and 100% wool -- and we got it from the people we bought our house from in New Jersey, at a pretty deep discount. And the bonus; we didn't have to move it.

It stayed with us for the last six years. Leah and Alice took their first steps on it, we wrestled on it and opened gifts on it every year. We added to the stains and spilled birthday cake into the fringe edges.

The Boxes Arrive
It served us well... but it's leading the family room in the wrong direction. Traditional? That's not us. I want vibrant, solid colors with a richer navy and more greens. I need to anchor the room, not jumble it up with more intricate pattern.

I had known what my solution would be since we first saw the house. Flor makes carpet tiles that are colorful, fun to design and super easy to clean. Plus, you can move with them, add to them and redesign the pattern whenever you get bored.

So, I took a few days to scout colors and patterns on their online store. When I found the right colors, I ordered a bunch and waited. And viola! They arrived today.

Putting the Tiles Together
It took me awhile to clean up and roll up the old carpet and wash the floor.

Then I arranged the tile in the design I had planned (knowing, eventually, I could make it checkerboard or crazy quilted later). Then stickers are stuck to all the corners to keep the tiles together. Pretty simple.

Now the family room finally makes sense!

The curtains, blue walls, everything I've been gathering is unified by the floor that now matches it. Hooray! It's so exciting to see it all come together.

The Final Look!

Related Posts:
All "flor tile" posts


  1. Looks wonderful, Jess! Can't wait to see it in person!!


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