Button-Down Collars DIY

I love the look of button down collars. I think they just look cleaner and more put together. I used to only buy collars with buttons -- until I figured out I could quickly sew on my own buttons. I don't even need to make a button hole because I'm not unbuttoning them, making them even quicker. Here's the seriously easy directions. The Shirt! Here's my new flannel shirt (aside: aren't you so glad flannel shirts are back? I'm ready to relive the glory of my grunge days) and the collar is just flopping around, willy-nilly. Extra Buttons Usually, there are extra buttons but, unfortunately, never the same size. Sleeve With Buttons Luckily, you can usually find a gratuitous button elsewhere on the shirt. Check the sleeves. Do you need this many buttons on a shirt you'll likely roll up the sleeves? Nah. I prefer the smaller buttons, usually not right on the cuff but up the sleeve a bit. Volia! Hold down the collar and sew direc...