News Flash: Dog On the Way?

"He doesn't have a name yet, just a number."

This is how he got me. I'm a softie, and, apparently that includes to animals, as well.

There's backstory coming in a separate post but the NEWS FLASH is this: We might be adopting a dog. A DOG.

He's 4-years-old and coming from a research lab. Rest assured, he's TOTALLY healthy -- but, he's had a very, very sheltered life. I won't go so far as say "abused" but not an ideal puppyhood. More on that later.

I just feel ready to burst. We're adding another member to the family and I feel like I'm having a baby all over again. We have to buy supplies, get his "room" ready ... I need to read up on dogs books and manuals, because I know nothing.

We should see a photo from when he's moved from the lab to a foster home to acclimate to a "home environment." (Awwww.) And we'll treat the first month as a trail period. We know other families who have adopted through this service and they have wonderful things to say, so our hopes are high.

No one knows (not even the girls!), so keep that between you and me, okay?

Related post:
My complicated history with dogs


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