The End of the Chevron -- Almost

You know about my dining room curtains ... and how they're an awesome navy blue chevron (zig-zag) pattern. Well, since they went up, I've been working on incorporating the pattern on the other side of the room to "tie everything together" to use an interior designer term. Cuz, I'm fancy.

Well, as of last night I finished the throw pillows. AND Target delivered my grey chevron slipper chair. So, yeah ... we're all chevron in this part of the house. Happy me! 

I Made More Pillows! 
Grey Chair - Brings Together Grey Walls and Zig-Zags

Wellllll ... almost done. As I posted last week, the valences from the dining room are a GO. But I'm going to de-prioritize that work until the new year. My To-Make list is filled with holiday gift projects. It's that jolly time of year! 

(Editor's Note: Grams, that's the chair you found on the Target website and sent to me. I did some comparison shopping, and that was the best deal and chair. Thanks for contributing to my decorating madness!)


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