The Jewelry of the Kitchen

I've finally had it. Grabbing around the drawers and cabinets to open them is getting awfully annoying. And there are two drawers that need both hands to open -- or, at least, knowledge of where on the drawer to pull. 

Seriously?! Make it stop.

So, on our last trip to Home Depot I did a survey of brushed nickel hardware and easily narrowed it down to one pull.  This one ... 
Pull Here to Open
Dave and I had that all-important conversation about pulls versus knobs. And we agreed to stick with the same pulls everywhere. And testing them out, it's really going to class up the kitchen. Don't they say that cabinet hardware are the "jewelry of the kitchen"?

Also, we decided to contract out the job to a handyman, because 42 cabinets is 84 holes all in the same place and I'll KNOW, and it will bug me everyday, if any of them is a teeny bit off center. I can't take that pressure. Call in the professional!

Stay tuned.


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