Unprocess My Girls - It's a Start

The grocery rule of thumb is: if you can't pronounce it, you shouldn't eat it. Or, put simply, stop eating over-processed, chemical-laden foods. For Pete's sake!

But in reality, that's not totally possible. Especially with the kiddos. Their reliance on fruit bars and cheese crackers (albeit organic and mostly all-natural) is a convenience I can't deny. Working Moms don't have oodles of time to bake granola mini-muffins, weekly sandwich bread and stumble upon veggies picky kids will actually eat. (This mom did it and is now making a living off helping others do it ... 100 Days of Real Food.)

Hey, I'm trying!

So this weekend I decided to find a granola bar recipe the girls would like -- one less unprocessed snack food for them. Of course, I went right to the cereal bar recipe from Alana's The Homemade Pantry -- mostly because I'm in the middle of a passionate love affair with that cookbook. And her two daughters eat them. That's kid tested and approved!

It's got crisp rice, rolled oats, chocolate, dried fruit -- and some almonds they can't taste but will give them a little protein boast, filling their bellies for a few extra minutes.

The recipe was easy and took about 30 minutes to throw it all together.

Who Wants to Try a Bite? 
And the verdict is in! The girls loved them.

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All the cookbook posts
What I learned about menu planning


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