
It's booked! We're off to Seattle and Portland in August!!

So excited!

We had been talking about going to New Jersey, possibly Rhode Island for the 4th, or a road trip to Michigan or even Nashville this summer. All great trips that we'd like to do at some point. But with Dave's work event taking place in Seattle in August -- thereby providing a paid-for ticket for one of us and hotel costs for the event -- we decided we couldn't pass up the opportunity.

We've never been to this part of the country. When we lived in San Fran, we talked about a roadtrip north, but never got it together. And friends recently moved to Portland and have been loving it. They've invited us to stay with them while we're in town.

I can't wait to check out Seattle -- the fish market, the rock museum, the Space Needle. Take the kids to the children's museum. During the road trip down to Portland, we'll see some lovely scenery. And Portland is supposed to be small and green and lovely.

Most of all, it will be nice to escape the heat of a midwestern August.

Hooray hooray!


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