TBT: The Photo Project Continues

With a kid sick at home (small fever and cough, sigh), I've had a little time in between meetings and work emails to continue my project of scanning in old family photos my Mom has been generously dropping on my desk.

Great-Grandparents -- Dressed up for a Dance
From the black and white images that belonged in my Grandma's photo albums, I'm starting to recognize faces of relatives that I never met in real-life. "Hey, there's Grandma Hazel and Grandpa Whitey again!" So, it's a rewarding, though, a never-ending project.

Someday, I'd like to make a picture family tree using my Mom's genealogy information and give them as gifts. But that's not in the plans for this year. For now, just scanning.

Also in the stacks of photos are pictures of my siblings and I when we were young. Grainy shots from the 1970s and '80s of little girls with rosie cheeks and long bangs. It's fun to look for similarities in the faces of my own kids.

Last year, I compiled all the photos of just my family into Snapfish albums and gave them out for Christmas. It didn't seem fair that I was the only one to have these treasured pictures, from our parent's wedding to the last few years we all lived together in the same house.

Just skipping down memory lane.


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