What I'm Diggin' in November 2014

Lately I've been getting into a few things from the outside world more enthusastically than usual. So here's a roundup:

- Death Comes to Pemberly on BBC Mystery! It's a sequel-ish to Pride and Prejudice written by a famous mystery writer. I don't usually give these Jane Austen-wanna-bes too much credit, but this seemed like fun. It was, er, interesting to see my favorite characters in all of lit -- Lizzie Bennett and Darcy -- continue their story and throw them into another crap-storm thanks to Wickham and Lydia. Lydia always ruins EVERYTHING! Once I finish it, I'm pretty sure I'll have to pick up P&P again for yet another re-read. Oh Lizzie, Iloveyouso.

- Outlander. First, you should know I didn't read these books, so I have no context. And this season is only 8 crazy episodes but if you haven't enjoyed the loveliness that is the Scottish accent, men in kilts or Jamie (hubba hubba), you really should. It's slow at times and Claire keeps trying to get to those STONES and keeps missing. Aye! But it's fantastic eye-candy. And that ending ... at first I was all, "why would you WANT to leave Jamie??!" But upon further contemplation the alternative is indoor plumbing and not having a psychopath hunting you. So, yeah, I get it.

-  Paper Towns. A John Greene book I recently picked up and loved! (I skipped The Fault in Our Stars because seriously, why would I read such a depressing book?!) I love that it's being made into a movie now and I can't wait to see all those black Santas (inside book joke) and who's playing Margo?!

The Maze Runner: Read the Book, Too!
- The Maze Runner. We finally got out to this movie after being HUGE FANs of this action-packed book, and it was mostly, surprisingly, faithful interpretation. I love when someone sees the same things in a book that I did. With really sharp casting (Chuck!). And really cute boys running around all Lord-of-the-Flies-style isn't a bad way to spend time, especially if you know what's coming. Grievers!

- Steampunk YA Audiobooks. I listen to audiobooks on my commute and just finished the second story in the Etiquette and Espionage series. Picture Victorian England with dirigibles, vampires and werewolves -- and a finishing school for young ladies that teaches spy tactics and polite murders. It's a lot of fun.

Then, I picked up another Kenneth Opel authored Matt Cruise book called Starclimber. Steampunk in the 1920s and the space race reimagined.

So good!

Related posts:
The Digging archive
All the book posts


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