Summer Reading Logs -- Lots of Ideas

This summer I really want to challenge the girls to read more. I was thinking of putting a poster on the wall where they can log the books they've read and create a rewards system -- including out for ice cream or manicure.

I did a little search around and found some really cute ideas out there:

This blogger has an adorable downloadable summer reading kit that included book log, a book plate and a little report for the reader to jot down some things about the book.
Simple as That! My Summer Reading Log kit 
This Etsy store has this Summer Reading passport that challenges kids to fill out a page per book. Parents can "stamp" their passport as they go. There's also a cute checklist in the back for different types of books, such as: "read a book about a place you want to visit."
Summer Reading Passport
This Etsy store has this fun Reading Bingo download. They can use the cards for each reading session and get a Bingo! I really like the idea about these simple book reports, too. Why not make them write a little about what they read?
Bingo Reading Cards
I really like this simple reading log. And it gave me a great idea to put whatever reading log I find up on the wall using clipboards! The girls can take them off the hooks, fill in their book titles and put the clipboards back up. We can also clip those book reports there, too. They love when their work is displayed!
Summer Reading Log Download
Lastly, I found this super fun reading scavenger hunt, which is just as fun as a reading log. It challenges the kids to read different books but also to read them wearing a hat or while sitting in the grass. It turns the reading into the activity. And what a cute design!  
Reading Scavenger Hunt Map
Summer vacation starts at the end of the week, so I better get hopping on these.


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