Author Geek Out

I have NO COOL around meeting authors. 

In past jobs, I've interviewed actors and musicians and was mostly calm and professional. To be honest, they rarely live up to the hype. They're pretty regular people. But there is something about authors that make me totally geek out. I get tongue-tied and I'm not able to hold a normal conversations. 

As an example, I've totally freaked out at meeting a long-revered author to get my book signed, so I ran for the door. Shamefully embarrassing. 

So TODAY the author of Six of Crows, which I've been touting here for the last year because it's awesome, will be an hour away promoting the followup that COMES OUT TODAY called Crooked Kingdom. Do I make the drive to hear Leigh Bardugo talk about the book and then GEEK OUT and flee? Can I maintain my cool? 


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