Awful Jetlag and Speaking French - Paris Friday Update

Jetleg and Other Reentry Challenges
Jetlag on this side of a trip to Europe is always the worst. So this week I've been fighting afternoon sluggishness and trying to get back into the swing of housework and kid management -- single kid management since Dave stayed behind for meetings. After eight days of deep-thinking about our daily life in Paris, it's a bit of whiplash to be thrown back into this day-to-day reality. I also took a gym class, which helps shake off jetlag but brings on some seriously sore muscles. Just one week away and I'm unable to walk normally for days.

Speaking the Language 
Despite starting our French language lessons last month and I was feeling even LESS prepared to communicate while in Paris. For me, it's going to come down to confidence to put my new words into practice. But there are some phrases I'm lacking -- like "Have a good day!" or "Just browsing, thanks!" and I'm always tripped up remembering to say "Bonsoir" in the evening, instead of "Bonjour." It's a difficult language; they join words, talk fast and don't pronounce every letter (like they do in Spanish). But my goal is to be almost fluent while there, so lessons will certainly continue.

The Paperwork Continues
Now that we've picked the school for the girls, more paperwork is needed for the application. I have a checklist of eight items PER KID that I'm scrambling to get together and submitted quickly so we can officially be "accepted" and move into the next phase -- whatever that is (but will no doubt require more paperwork).

Related posts: 

The Paris Move
Past Paris Friday Updates


  1. But did you choose an apartment? I want pictures!

    1. No apartment yet. Dave has to head out again in November and will look at a few more. Pictures coming!


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