Trashing the Chandelier

I have loathed the dining room chandelier -- if that's really what it can be called -- since we first looked at this house. I remember pointing at it and saying "that's got to go." (See an early dining room post here.) But, on the List of Things That Had to Go (and it was pretty long) this chandelier kept getting prioritized lower because it was functional.

And I did a pretty good job camouflaging it with those pretty silver stars! Ooh!
My Dining Room With Stars!
But, because we couldn't find replacement parts, we're down to one, flimsy lightbulb. So not only was it ugly, it wasn't working. That's a one-way ticket to replacement-ville!

I know what you're thinking ... why bother replacing it, we're leaving for Paris in a few short months? But, guys! It was so annoying not to have a bright light in a room I like to use. Also, we're not entirely sure what we're doing with the house while we're away but having functional lighting in all the rooms seemed like a good idea.

The New "For Now" Lighting
We decided to get a "for now" chandelier from Amazon. Something inexpensive, functional and somewhat pretty. A light fixture we could move to the kitchen, maybe, once we get back and want to invest in something with a big wow factor for the dining room.

I had done research months ago and pinned a bunch of awesome light fixtures, but they're now out of the question because of the prices. After a quick Amazon search and skimming reviews, here's the one we ended up getting.

It only took about 30 minutes to install it, with some ceiling touch-ups needed, but not too shabby for the price and effort.

The neat-o Edison bulbs are going to take some getting used to. It's like the dining room has a sepia filter on at night. But I think I dig it.

Once I clean up the dining table, I'll take a proper "after" picture. I'm just happy to have this off The House List. For now.

Related posts:
All the Dining Room posts


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