Wednesday Looking at Flats - Paris Explore Trip

Today, we spent the day looking at four flats in the 16th arrondissement in Paris. I'm all European now that I call apartment "flats" ... there you go.

There are a bunch of differences, of course, with the apartments here. First, the kitchens are in their own rooms with a door. The "open concept" is not a thing here. Also, the bathrooms are usually separated out. In one apartment, we found a shower room with a vanity connected to one of the bedrooms. Then a toilet room across the hall. And a full bathroom with toilet, shower and vanity the next door down. And, of course, built-in closets are not common. Free-standing wardrobes are what's used and, in some places, they take up a lot of space.

We liked what we were seeing, but we're just getting started. Location is going to be important, so we're finalizing school before we make any commitments to a place. The important thing is now we know what a typical apartment looks like, and what we really need. The next apartment hunt date is being planned.

Here are a few pictures from the places:
The View From One Option
The Fascade Is So Pretty!

This Type of Kitchen Was Pretty Common
It was exciting to walk into apartments and walk around. And after all our visits to Paris, this was the first time we got to see how the natives lived.

We got pizza for dinner in St. Germaine near this lovely church and the walk from our hotel and glass of wine gave us time to discuss what we saw and what the next steps should be.

Tomorrow, we've got to make some decisions.

Related posts: 

The Paris Move


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