DJing the Morning

I've found if we listen to music it the morning -- good music we can sing along to -- the mornings just flow much easier.  It may have something to do with music calming the savage soul. Or maybe it just keeps us from focusing on how sleepy we might be.

We have an Amazon Echo in our kitchen for just such a task. When I get in there in the mornings, hit the lights, start my coffee and I say "Alexa, play the Morning playlist" and we start the day.

Here's the current playlist (*changes frequently)

  1. Then Came the Morning by The Lone Bellow  -- This is just for me, really, as I'm usually the first in the kitchen. 
  2. Blackbird by the Beatles -- A super-chill song as the girls wander in searching for food (or a morning cuddle).  
  3. Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra -- Famous to the girls for kicking off the second Guardians of the Galaxy film, this usually helps their eyes pop open. 
  4. Heavenly by Harry Connick Jr. -- Somehow, this song dropped onto our playlist a few months ago, and I can't stop listening to it. It's short and a cappella! 
  5. You're Welcome by Dwayne Johnson -- From the Moana soundtrack, we know all the words and it usually gets a smile from one of the sleepy kids. 
  6. Jump the Line by Harry Belefonte -- The perfect soundtrack to rouse the girls into finishing their breakfast and get their schoolbags together. There's usually some dancing involved. 
  7. Ain't No Man by the Avett Brothers -- Another feel-good groove song to keep them moving. 
  8. The Obvious Child by Paul Simon -- I'm usually finishing up lunches about this time, and this song brings it home. You can't deny the drum beat in this song. 
  9. We Know the Way from the Moana Soundtrack -- Gives the family a little inspiration for the day ahead. 
  10. Closer to Fine by Indigo Girls -- The soundtrack for cleaning up dishes and spills, and finding socks. In heavy rotation since my high school years. 
  11. Kiss by Prince -- Sometimes we don't get to the end of the playlist. But if we do, this is the PERFECT song to have you your head all day. Kiss! 

I like the mix of new and old, no Taylor Swift or Kids Bop (ugh) and there's something that appeals to everyone. We're also doing some music education in there -- which is something Dave and I take very seriously.


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