There's Something for Me Here

The thing about Paris is I always felt there was something there for me. Like a treasure I need to uncover. 

On our first trip to Paris in 2010 I was walking around near the Eiffel Tower and it struck me that this was a place I'd like to live. It wasn't until I left did I have this feeling that I left something behind or undone.

To me there's a potential thing there.

I blogged about our first Paris trip (Leah was 4, Alice was 2) in 2010. Read it here. And I was enthralled by everything I saw.

I had a similar feeling after the first time I visited New York.

Like deja vĂș.

Something big was hiding from me in the streets of New York and I just had to have enough time to find it. I eventually worked in Midtown and Soho in my 20s and 30s and loved every minute of it. The energy of that city just keeps you striving and moving forward and up. And I felt like I found myself within those streets. 

Paris feels the same way. With each trip back (and I've been now three times), I hit the big sights and things I want to do, but I always feel like I've left something undone or left behind. 

There is something really special for me there. I just have to find it.

This move to Paris is all about me finding this thing I left behind. And I'm so so so so so so so lucky I get the chance. So lucky. 


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