Feng Shui For Change

I'm looking for some luck.

After job hunting for weeks, I've been finding really interesting opportunities, but not getting a lot of responses to my inquiries. And I shouldn't take this as rejection. But I do. Not hearing back on things feels like rejections. And it's tough.

I recently discovered this Feng Shui book I've had for many years, and I remembered how well it actually worked.

It's really all about moving your stuff around your house, to unstick your chi and allow new opportunities and fortune to enter in. And I'm all about that.

So I've identified that my "career" gua is our entryway and maybe a little of the garage. Both areas have been a disaster since we moved back in, so maybe it makes sense that my job hunt hasn't been so smooth.

Little by little, I've been moving stuff in and out. And using tips, such as writing down the job I'm looking for ... so the universe knows what to bring me. (Isn't that called "manifesting"?)

I'm also looking at the dining room which is the Prosperity corner and making some changes -- such as removing items that don't have any value to me and adding pictures and souvenirs from trips we've been on together that are very HIGH value.

In simplest terms: Clutter in your house translates to clutter in your mind and then there's no extra room for the NEW and EXCITING. It's such a truth.

So, I'm hoping that changes, little and big, will help.

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