Planning for Summer on the Patio

Yes, it's the middle of winter ... really just the beginning if you consider the three months we still have yet to go!... and I'm daydreaming of patio furniture.

I made a proclamation: This spring we will sell off our current smallish patio sets (we have a few) and replace it with exactly what we want and will use. "It Shall Be Done!"

Years ago we built a deck (read that post) off our patio door and we love it. It's so useful, especially with the puppy. But I don't think we get a lot of great use out of it the 3-4 months each year we comfortably get to use it. And the main issue is ... it doesn't have the right furniture on it.

Let's consider: my favorite thing to do is read outside in the sun; smoothie and dog by my side. However, my seating choices were limited to an iron chair with cushions, legs up on another chair, and propped-up rather uncomfortably. My reading session don't last long.

Also consider that metal dining set (which is two tables pushed together) was purchased at Costco over 10 years ago for our smallish patio at our old house. It's just not cutting the mustard here.

Now, ideally, I'd want a dining table out there. Extra long and extra tough to withstand the harsh Midwestern weather. Fit eight comfortably with room for bowls of food and flower centerpieces. *I day-dream.*

And a lounge set, so I can kick back and comfortably read in the sun, drink my coffee and watch the girls jump on the trampoline in similar comfort to my family room. It would BE like adding another room to the house for the summer. Ideally. (With mosquitoes.)

With all of this in mind, I started browsing the sites to see just what's out there and in what price range.

OK, so either lightweight and not great, or pricey. Especially when I'm thinking of two rooms worth of furniture. Yikes! So...

Big decision time: Let's NOT buy the dining set. We don't like eating outside anyway. The priority, and where 100% of my budget will go to this year, is the lounge set.

Not surprisingly, I quickly discovered that this miserable, freezing time of year is when these sets seem to be on major clearance.

And after clicking around and reading A LOT of reviews I found my criteria: large enough to accommodate at least three adults without arguing over specific features. And include comfortable cushions that can be put away (on site, preferably) when dreaded winter hits. And a frame heavy enough not to blow away when it gets windy.

You're not surprised when I tell you I found a set ... on SALE!  A company I kept seeing a lot, with a lot of fans, had one of their lounge sets ON SALE for 71% off. That's crazy pants. Regularly $2,000 and it was just under $600. I took a few minutes to really consider it, but it seemed like the perfect configuration and hit all my wants. Why continue the expedition when this was IT?!  And in the price range. And, hopefully if the reviews are right, will last a few summers.

Hit purchase!

Now ... the only tricky part is WHERE will I store it when it arrives?! (And will Bruce eat the cushions?!)

But that will be nothing compared to the enjoyment I'll get when it arrives and the sunshine and warm weather arrives, too. On to more daydreaming.


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