Let's Buy All the Books!

This seems to be the time of year when I buy up all the books. Looking over past year's posts, it's pretty clear that awful February sends me to book stores and removes all my inhibitions about buying books. Other times of the year, I get the Kindle version, wait for the paperback or opt for the library book. But put me in the back-end of winter and I'm clamoring for all the new books. 

Also, this is a pretty good season for new books. 

And also, reading a book under a blanket while the weather is freezing and horrible is such a joy. 

Here's my current NEW stack:

The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black is set in a similar world to her Folk of the Air series that I just finished. I'm a few chapters short of finishing this one and it's so good. 

Why We Can't Sleep by Ada Calhoun is a book I bought after listening to her interviewed on a GOOP podcast (after my sister raved about it). It's all about my generation and how we're in this perfect storm of terrible/crazy circumstances that is making us all feel rundown and guilty ... and it's just amazing to know what I'm feeling is real.  

Here in the Real World by Sarah Pennypacker was an impulse buy at Target. Sarah wrote the Clementine books, which I absolutely loved (my kids did not, oddly enough). Her writing is so introspective and sweet. This one, about kids starting a garden, seemed similar.  

How Rory Thorne Destroyed the Multiverse by K. Eason just looked awesome. And sounded cool. Action adventure set in a future time with a fairy tale twist is my jam. And I'm kinda hoping the girls will be interested in this one, too. 

Tweet Cute by Emma Lord was on all the must-read lists this winter. Cute setup about rival NYC restaurant kids who get into a twitter war. And I love a YA romance. 

Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell was outside my norm, but I love Rainbow's lovey-dovey stories and my kids love graphic novels, so I thought I'd see what the fuss was about. Alice already read this one (in two days), and she liked it. 

Good Morning, I Love You by Shauna Shapiro was another podcast interview I loved and wanted to learn more about. Her exploration into mindfulness and its benefits fascinates me. Also some great messages and practices I can work on with the girls. 

And not pictures, The Feminist Agenda of Jemima Kincaid by Kate Hattemer was also on all the must-read YA romance lists and sounded too cute. I pre-ordered it and it's arriving tomorrow. 

Not to mention the few tawdry romance novels I'm always reading on my Kindle mingled in. 

This is my least favorite month and I do feel pretty "low" most days. If books help me feel less low, than so be it!  

Related links: 
Here's the book stack from this time last year. 


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