Little Dresser Painting Project

If I haven't gotten a paint brush in my hand and totally transformed a space/furniture for a while, I get the shakes. That's just how much I love painting things! Love it.

So this weekend, while I'm still trying to re-balance and figure out how I'm going to do all the house projects in the abbreviated time I now have with a full time job, I made all effort to paint something. Anything! And this little dresser, which I see every day on the second floor landing, was just the perfect candidate.

The story of this dresser goes waaaay back to California, when we were single and living in a small apartment in the Bay Area. We drove to Ikea near Berkeley and bought a new wood dresser set; this little three-drawer dresser has a taller counterpart. Right around the time Leah was born, we painted it a very dark grey (it quickly chipped and was sticky -- my first lesson in the type of paint to use on furniture). And in this house, it was needed in Alice's room so I bought a few cans of colorful spray paint to make the gray more preschool friendly.

When Alice was redecorating her room this summer, this dresser got kicked out and found a new home at the end of the landing. And it fits nicely here. I'll use it to store seasonal clothes and guest room things. But those mixed-up colors really needed to be updated!

Amazingly, a tester pot of the "Weekend" color from Magnolia Home did two coats in a satin finish and covered the color pretty well. And it took the Saturday to do it. (I also sorted through that pile of discarded clothes that Alice has grown out of -- she's growing like a weed!)

Here's the AFTER ...
Looking good, little dresser!

There's just nothing better than transforming an object with a little effort and time. I love it.

Now, what would you think about painting those banister railings a matte black?!?! More on that later.


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